Association of Complement Factor H Tyrosine 402 Histidine Genotype with Posterior Involvement in Sarcoid-Related Uveitis – Corrected Proof

Purpose: To determine whether the complement factor H (CFH) tyrosine 402 histidine (Y402H) variant, recently shown to be associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and multifocal choroiditis, is associated with specific ocular sarcoidosis clinical phenotypes in black and white persons.Design: Case-control study.Methods: The CFH Y402H polymorphism (rs1061170) was genotyped in 41 subjects with ocular sarcoidosis and 393 control subjects. Allele frequencies in the ocular sarcoidosis cases were compared with controls using chi-square score tests. Genotypic model-based (dominant, recessive, and additive) associations of the rs1061170 allele were tested using multivariate logistic regression. Bayesian information criteria were used to formalize model selection. Genotypes (Read more...)

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