Riassunto: Oculis completa il finanziamento di Serie A

REYKJAVIK, Islanda–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oculis ha annunciato oggi la chiusura del round di finanziamenti di Serie A, condotta da Brunnur Ventures e Silfurberg. Il nuovo capitale servirà a finanziare lo sviluppo continuo della piattaforma di rilascio dei farmaci a base di nanoparticelle solubilizzanti (solubilizing nanoparticle, SNP) brevetto esclusivo della società, e dei candidati farmaci prodotti dall’azienda, compreso il primo trattamento topico a base di collirio per l’edema maculare diabetico

Oculis schließt Serie-A-Finanzierung ab

REYKJAVIK, Island–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oculis meldete heute den Abschluss einer Serie-A-Finanzierungsrunde unter der Leitung von Brunnur Ventures und Silfurberg. Das frische Kapital dient der Förderung der fortgesetzten Entwicklung der patentierten Drug Delivery Platform von Oculis für solubilisierende Nanopartikel (SNP) und der Arzneimittelkandidaten des Unternehmens, einschließlich der ersten topischen Augentropfen zur Behandlung des diabetischen Makulaödems (DME). SNP Drug Delivery Platform – D

Sustained delivery of ranibizumab for AMD may reduce treatment burden

SAN FRANCISCO — Sustained delivery of ranibizumab with a port delivery system in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration has the potential to improve visual outcomes and reduce the treatment burden associated with anti-VEGF injections, according to a scientific poster presented at the American Society of Retina Specialists meeting. LADDER is a phase 2 study evaluating dosing and functional outcomes with sustained delivery of Lucentis (ranibizumab, Genentech) via the ranibizumab port delivery system (RPDS), which aims to provide longer treatment intervals than any currently available therapy, study co-author Richard F. (Read more...)