Dislocated Posterior Chamber IOLs

A 77-year-old white man underwent bilateral cataract surgery in the early 1990s. The patient is referred to you for an evaluation
of dislocated IOLs. He is experiencing double vision and decreased visual acuity in both…

Phacoemulsification for Complex Cases

When it comes to wrestling with complex cataract
cases, one might say I have spent quite
a bit of time in the ring. I encounter dense,
hypermature white, black, or deep brown
cataracts on an almost daily basis. In addition,
a large percentage…

Femto and Phaco—the Perfect Marriage

Capitalizing on technology allows doctors to
take our oath to “do no harm” to a higher
level. One good technology plus another good
technology creates a synergy that we all strive
for—a safer, more effective surgery with lower

Best Practices for Integrated Care With Optometrists

When I joined Empire Eye Physicians, it was
already a fully integrated eye care practice.
Prior to that, I had been in the US Navy. In
that setting, ophthalmologists always worked
closely with optometrists, because the latter
are often the pr…