Category: Glaucoma

OCT may detect pre-perimetric changes in glaucomatous eyes

WAIKOLOA, Hawaii — Optic nerve head microcirculation is reduced in glaucoma patients, a speaker said here.“Conventionally, OCT is used to measure structure with micron precision, and that has been very useful in terms of characterizing the structure of the optic nerve head, the nerve fiber layer and the ganglion cell complex,” David Huang, MD, PhD, said at Hawaiian Eye 2013. “We developed a technique where we decomposed the OCT image into several spectral bands and analyzed them separately and recombined them to enhance a signal of flow.”

Goniotomy, trabeculotomy produce most successful results in pediatric glaucoma

WAIKOLOA, Hawaii — Goniotomy and trabeculotomy are the most effective surgical methods for infantile glaucoma, a speaker said here.“The first thing that’s most important in these surgeries is visualization,” Ken K. Nischal, MD, FRCOphth, said at Hawaiian Eye 2013. “It’s really important to understand that the goniolens you use will affect how easy or how difficult the procedure becomes.”

Ivantis Announces Results of Hydrus Implant Study

Last week, Ivantis announced the 6-month results from its multi-center, international Hydrus I study at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting (ESCRS). The Hydrus(TM) Intracanalicular Implant, roughly the size of an eyelash, is placed through a minimally invasive, microsurgical procedure and is designed to reduce eye pressure by reestablishing the patient’s conventional […]

Why Do I Perform Research?

When my 2 1/2-year-old son asks, “Why are
trees green? Why did Mama sneeze? Why
did baby Alex spit up?” I smile. I smile
because I am amazed at how inquisitive
human beings are, even at such a young age. I smile
because others once had th…

The Ganglion Cell Complex

The measurement of the perifoveal ganglion cell
layer recently emerged as a new diagnostic
parameter in glaucoma. Various manufacturers
of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
(SD-OCT) systems have released or will soon release