Toric IOLs in Eyes With Keratoconus

Cataract surgery has evolved into a refractive
procedure, and patients have high expectations
for good UCVA after surgery. Patients with keratoconus
who are successful in achieving good-quality
BCVA with rigid or scleral contact lenses often

Innovations in IOLs

Each year in the United States, 3 million cataract
surgeries are performed, and the incidence of
cataract surgery has steadily increased over the
past 30 years, according to a recent populationbased
study by Mayo Clinic researchers.sup1/sup…

What’s Hot in Cosmeceuticals

As we continue to learn about the importance
of skin care in maintaining healthy, youthful
skin, the expanding variety of cosmeceuticals
allows us to address the specific needs and
desires of our patients. As the market expands, more