Sidebar: ACOS and Innovation

We members of the American-European Congress
of Ophthalmic Surgery (ACOS) have been fortunate with regard to the ACOS’ relationship with the FDA. As individuals, many of us had appeared before the FDA numerous times and worked on multiple proje…

Toric IOLs: Broadening the Indications

The goal of all ophthalmologists is to provide
their patients with the best vision possible,
whether it is after cataract surgery or in treating
posterior segment disease. Advancing technology
allows us to achieve this objective better than ev…

How to Be a Great KOL

Before I (CWR) came to Bausch + Lomb, I was a
cataract surgeon in New York City. As a key opinion
leader (KOL), I represented the Iolab division
of Johnson and Johnson, Novartis Ophthalmics, and
Allergan, Inc. I enjoyed working with industry for…

This Month’s Videos on


ema href=””

strongBy Detlef Uthoff, MD; Detlef Holland, MD;
Joerg Foerster, MBA; and Markus Poelzl, MD /strong


Chief Medical Editor’s Page

An acquaintance approached me recently about
what he described as a great investment opportunity.
Despite my skepticism, I was just intrigued
enough to listen to the pitch. The venture was a
fancy new gym with a monthly membership fee. It soon…