Last year, this column’s “Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking for Keratoconus and Ectasia” focused primarily
on the science behind cross-linking, because there were few articles available involving long-term human
data after treatment. Now,…
Author: CRST
Complications From Prior Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is a safe procedure with a long
track record of success, but like every surgery,
it carries some degree of risk. Multiple comorbidities
in a patient may predispose him or her
to complications, as in this case. In addition to p…
FOCUS ON PARS PLANA VITRECTOMY: Pars Plana Vitrectomy Approach for the Anterior Segment Surgeon
Arguably, the single most significant complication
faced by today’s phaco surgeon continues to be
rupture of the posterior capsule.1 When the
posterior capsule is breached, vitreous that presents
anterior to the plane of the capsu…
I expect that many of you will be attending
the AAO Annual Meeting. I always enjoy
major meetings like those of the AAO,
ASCRS, and ARVO. I return revitalized and
brimming with optimism and enthusiasm
about new treatments, possibilities,
Point/Counterpoint: Sutureless 25-Gauge Versus Sutured 20-Gauge Vitrectomy
Abandon the 20-gauge vitrectomy? Let’s not be hasty.WILLIAM E. SMIDDY, MDSmall-gauge vitrectomy (SGV) has
opened new possibilities in vitrectomy
surgery, but the question of whether
its benefits surpass th…
Refractive Surprises Are Inevitable
Refractive surprises are possible with any IOL, but
predictability is lower in patients who previously
underwent LASIK or another cornea-altering procedure.
When they elect a presbyopia-correcting
IOL, however, patients’ expectations are hig…
COMPLEX CASE MANAGEMENT: Coloboma of the Iris, Retina,Optic Nerve, and Lens
CASE PRESENTATIONA 42-year-old man presents with a progressive decline in
visual function and a dense cataract in both eyes. He has
had poor vision in both eyes, especially the left, due to retinal
and optic nerve colob…
FEATURE STORY: i-ASSORT Provides Astigmatic Analyses Using Topography
Ideveloped the Alpins method of astigmatic analysis
to assist surgeons with providing more effective
astigmatic treatments. Because these techniques
involve complex mathematics, a computer system is
required. The Alpins Statistical System for …
Exchanging a Presbyopia- Correcting IOL
The indications for exchanging a monofocal lens
tend to be for malpositioning, significant IOLinduced
anisometropia, or dysphotopsia.
Whether valid or not, there is an unspoken opinion
that the need to perform an IOL exchange is in some
way r…
Traumatic Cataract and Mydriasis
A68-year-old physician had suffered a bungee
cord injury to his right eye 8 months prior to
surgery. He had symptoms of bothersome glare
and photophobia due to a traumatic mydriasis
that left him with a pupil permanently dilated to 7 mm
in di…
Glare After Damage to the Iris
A51-year-old woman referred to me from the
Sunshine State had undergone cataract surgery
in her left eye. Unfortunately during the procedure,
the iris was damaged, leading to severe
glare and profound functional disability. Her visual acuity
Unexpected IFIS
Chang and Campbell defined intraoperative floppy
iris syndrome (IFIS) as shrinking of the pupil
in combination with billowing and prolapse of
the iris during cataract surgery.1 I personally
define IFIS as the case poised to derail m…
5 Questions with William B.Trattler,MD
What is unique about the Center
for Excellence in Eye Care, a practice
you share with your father
and 12 other doctors in Miami?A unique aspect of our group is that,
despite being 14 doctors in size, we can