Author: Healio ophthalmology

Alcon extends IOL line and launches IOL delivery technology, software upgrade

BARCELONA —  Alcon introduced three new technologies here at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting. Alcon launched the AcrySof IQ PanOptix presbyopia-correcting IOL – a trifocal IOL addressing near, intermediate and distance vision for patients with cataracts and presbyopia. With an intermediate focal point at 60 cm and 88% of light transmission, this lens is designed to provide good quality of vision and comfortable intermediate vision, while reducing dependence on reading glasses, according to a company press release.

Crosslinking studied as alternative to antibiotic treatment for infectious keratitis

BARCELONA — Photoactivated chromophore for keratitis, a crosslinking technique specifically aimed at treating infectious keratitis, is showing promising results and could be a valid alternative to antibiotics at a time when resistance is an alarming concern, according to a speaker. “PACK-CXL crosslinking dates back to 2007, when our group realized that CXL could treat corneal infections. One of the key elements in our discovery was solar disinfection, propagated by WHO as a means to make water drinkable,” Farhad Hafezi, MD, PhD, said at the EuCornea Congress preceding the European Society (Read more...)

Quantitative imaging aids clinicians in glaucoma management

BARCELONA — Quantitative imaging is a beneficial tool in glaucoma management and may be more useful than expert reading of photographs when diagnosing glaucoma, according to a speaker.“Quantitative imaging provides at least as good evidence of the progression status of patients as experts assessing monoscopic photographs,” David F. Garway-Heath, MD, FRCOphth, said at Glaucoma Day preceding the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.

Optovue launches OCT angiography quantification technology

BARCELONA — Optovue has expanded its optical coherence tomography angiography technology with the introduction of AngioAnalytics here at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.This added capability provides clinicians with the ability to measure the density of blood flow in the retina, which may lead to the improved clinical management of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, according to a company press release.

Femtosecond laser technology synergistic with new IOLs

BARCELONA — Femtosecond laser technology will lend itself to IOL technology and drive innovation in IOL technology in a virtual cycle, according to Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD, who chaired a panel symposium on the topic at the Ophthalmology Futures European Forum. “The panel agreed that femtosecond technology has the potential to stimulate the development of new IOLs as it adds optical and biomechanical benefits to the cataract procedure. We can potentially achieve a better centration of the lens, and therefore a better refractive stability, as well as prevent rotation, which (Read more...)

Imaging a key factor in future of femtosecond laser cataract surgery

BARCELONA — Imaging is a key factor in the application of femtosecond laser in cataract surgery. At the Ophthalmology European Futures Forum, a panel of clinician and industry managers shared the perception that imaging technology and laser are reciprocally stimulating improvement and advancing synergistically. “Additional technology for preoperative and intraoperative use is stepping in, and there is a lot of potential in it, especially with premium lenses. Companies are working hard to integrate imaging technologies in the femtosecond laser premium cataract procedure,” Gerd Auffarth, MD, PhD, said.

Three wishes: What the premium surgeon longs for today

Today’s premium surgeon is constantly challenged with achieving perfect visual outcomes in the world of refractive and refractive cataract surgery. The infamous “three wishes” joke involves a protagonist such as a genie granting three wishes, in which the first two are ideal and the third is either misinterpreted or intentionally granted in an awkward literal fashion and cannot be reversed because it is the final wish, resulting in the punchline of the joke.A perfect example: The premium surgeon is granted a new femtosecond laser with built-in aberrometry and hands-free remote (Read more...)

Post-cataract surgery intraocular injections offer alternative to traditional drop therapy

With more than 3 million procedures performed annually in the U.S., cataract surgery is nearly a rite of passage. Technological advances including phacoemulsification and premium IOLs have all contributed to making cataract surgery one of the safest and most effective procedures performed. However, the post-surgical drop regimen has remained a largely unchanged and cumbersome process for both patients and office staff.As an “in the trenches” surgeon working to provide the best care for my patients, I believe the time has arrived to confidently adopt the practice of administering post-surgical pharmacological (Read more...)