Author: RetinaEyeDoctor

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, This is my favorite week of the year. I love that my older two are back from school, we have no hockey scheduled, I take a few days off, etc.  It’s a nice break from the routine. I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Stay well. Ran…

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish all of you (almost 10,00o uniques!) a very happy Thanksgiving!
For our international readers, I’m including you, too
Please enjoy your time with friends and family.

Randall V. Wong, M.D.
Ophthalmologist, Retin…

Back from the AAO

We just got back from the AAO in Florida. As co-founders of our new company, we were validated beyond our expectations. We told the story of how this website has changed the way I practice.