Author: Root Atlas

Super Eye Palsies

A review of cranial nerve palsies that affect the eye. This video discusses cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6 and their affect on the extraocular muscles and double vision. The last half of the lecture involves patient examples of various nerve palsies.Cast: …

Exploding Eye Lecture

Lecture describing ocular trauma, including heat, penetrating injury (airsoft, bb gun, paintball). Also, chemical injuries to the eye from acids and bases. Also, the effects of laser burns and explosions on the eyeball as well.Cast: Root AtlasTags:

Exploding Eye Lecture

Exploding Eye Lecture

Ophthalmology/Optometry lecture on eye trauma. Covers heat/fire damage, projectiles (airsoft, bb gun, paintball), chemical damage (acids and bases), laser phototoxicity, and finally explosion/concussive damage.

Comparative Eye Anatomy

A review of ocular structures in various animals … starting with the simple light spot of a worm, all the way to the advanced lens-based eye of the human. This is a video and animation rich view of the eye.Cast: Root AtlasTags:

20 Eye Exam Tricks

20 examination for ophthalmology or optometry providers. Covers techniques for detecting malingerers, facticious blindness, macular sparing neurologic scotomas, potential vision with dense cataracts, and neuromuscular disorders like myasthenia gravis. Full Story →

Slit Lamp Eye Exam

A review of the microscopic eye exam. We start by building a slit-lamp scope, then show you how to use it. Then, we proceed to the anterior eye exam looking at the external, lids, lashes, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, and t…

Slit Lamp Eye Exam

A review of the microscopic eye exam. We start by building a slit-lamp scope, then show you how to use it. Then, we proceed to the anterior eye exam looking at the external, lids, lashes, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, and t…

Slit Lamp Exam

Slit Lamp Exam

An introduction to using the slitlamp microscope for looking at the eye. Covers the use and looking at anterior structures such as: lashes, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, and vitreous.