This Issue At A Glance

Bothun等人(p. 1227) 发现1-6岁婴幼儿患者于先天性白内障术后植入人工晶体(IOL)并不能防止斜视的发展。然而,对于早期摘除白内障的患儿斜视发生可能性低。作者进行了一项婴幼儿无晶体眼治疗…

A Simple Vista en Este Número

Bothun y otros (p. 1227) determinaron que el uso de un lente intraocular (IOL) en infantes de 1 a 6 meses no evita el desarrollo temprano del estrabismo después de cirugía de catarata congénita. Sin embargo, hay menos probabilidad de que se desarrol…

This Issue At A Glance

Bothun et al (p. 1227) have found that intraocular lens (IOL) placement in infants aged 1 month to 6 months does not prevent the early development of strabismus following congenital cataract surgery. However, strabismus is less likely to develop in inf…

Author reply

We thank Hong et al for their interest in our recent study describing the characteristics of anterior segment herpes simplex in a large cohort of children. We are in complete agreement that data generated from randomized clinical trials are desirable. …