Tag: chalmersuniv

Above Elbow Amputee Controls Individual Bionic Fingers

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a new technique that could allow above-elbow amputees to better use robotic prostheses, including making individual finger movements. Unlike below-elbow amputees, these patients have a more limited number of remnant muscles with which to produce fine control of multiple bioni (Read more...)

Antibacterial Peptide Spray Safe for Use on Wounds

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed an antimicrobial spray that is safe to use on wounds and in the body, including as an antimicrobial coating on implantable or in-dwelling devices, such as urinary catheters. The technology is not based on harsh chemical antiseptics or antibiotic drugs that could aggravate tis (Read more...)

Polymer Brushes Capture and Release Proteins on Demand

Researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a “polymer brush” system that can capture and release proteins on using electrical stimulation. Protein therapeutics are increasingly in demand, but creating them efficiently is still a challenge. Isolating therapeutic proteins from the liquid surrounding the (Read more...)