Soft Coating Cools Wearable Devices

Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong have developed a coating for wearable technologies that can help to dissipate heat, reducing the chances of skin burns and increasing the life of such devices. Electronic devices can generate heat, but this can be problematic for wearables that are in constant contact with the skin. The […]

Electrostatic Face Mask Self-Charges with Breathing

Researchers at City University of Hong Kong have developed an electrostatically charged face mask that can replenish its charge through the wearer’s breathing action. The electrostatic charge helps the mask to adsorb tiny particles, such as SARS-CoV-2 viruses. However, such masks typically lose their charge and ability to bind particles over (Read more...)

Artificial Skin Bruises Like The Real Thing

Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed an artificial skin that can effectively indicate if damage has occurred, in the same way that our skin bruises naturally. The new skin is made using an ionic hydrogel, and demonstrates changes in electrical signaling when it is deformed. It also produces a purple color […]