Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Macular Complications From Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysms

Pichi and associates are to be congratulated for their study on the intravitreal use of bevacizumab for the therapy of retinal macroaneurysms. In their multicenter trial on 38 eyes, Pichi and associates applied bevacizumab intravitreally 3 times and observed a complete regression of retinal edema and closure of the retinal macroaneurysms during the follow-up. The remarkable therapeutic success in Dr Pichi's study agrees with a previous report on 2 patients, with the difference that these 2 patients received only one intravitreal injection of bevacizumab for the therapy of their retinal macroaneurysms. Since the investigation by Pichi and associates may become (Read more...)

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