Assessing the Effectiveness of Surface Cleaning Methods in Intravitreal Injection Procedure Rooms – Corrected Proof

Purpose: To assess cleaning effectiveness of room surfaces in an office-based intravitreal injection practice by using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) luminometry.Design: Prospective, comparative case series.Participants: A total of 792 intravitreal injection room surfaces were sampled (396 before cleaning, 396 after cleaning) using 3 cleaning methods.Methods: Three cleaning methods were evaluated: baseline terminal cleaning, directed terminal cleaning, and enhanced terminal cleaning. For each method, residual ATP bioburden (relative light units [RLUs]/sample) was sampled from 9 high-touch injection room surfaces before and after terminal cleaning using the 3M Clean-Trace ATP System (3M Inc, St. Paul, MN). Surface ATP RLUs were used to compare (Read more...)

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