Author: Healio ophthalmology

Early data ‘promising’ for gene therapy for Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy

GenSight Biologics reported “promising” preliminary data on its gene therapy product for the treatment of neurodegenerative retinal disease, according to a press release.The study included 15 patients with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) grouped into five groups, with each group of three patients receiving an escalating dose of GS010 via single intravitreal injection in the more severely affected eye. Mean onset of disease was 6 years. Enrollment in the phase 1/2 safety and tolerability study was completed in April 2015.

ThromboGenics receives FDA approval for new formulation of Jetrea

The Office of Biotechnology Products of the FDA has approved an already diluted formulation of Jetrea, according to a press release from ThromboGenics. The new Jetrea (ocriplasmin) formulation eliminates “the current preparatory dilution steps prior to injection.” According to the release, when Jetrea is administered to the eye, the strength, potency, composition and pharmaceutical form of the new formulation will remain identical to the currently available formulation of Jetrea after dilution.

AGTC receives orphan medicinal product designation for retinitis pigmentosa gene therapy in Europe

The European Commission has granted orphan medicinal product designation to an investigational gene therapy for the treatment of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by mutations in the RPGR gene, according to a press release from Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation. “Receiving orphan medicinal product designation from the [European Commission] for our XLRP gene therapy candidate is an important milestone for AGTC and a positive step forward in our ongoing efforts to develop effective treatments for rare inherited retinal diseases,” Sue Washer, president and CEO of AGTC, said in the release.

Técnica de ATC orientada por sutura é útil em casos de cirurgias complexas

Os avanços nos dispositivos prostéticos intraoculares na cirurgia de catarata, tais como os anéis de tensão capsular, dispositivos de tensão capsular e ganchos de suporte da cápsula, têm ajudado a elevar o nível de excelência cirúrgica da cirurgia de catarata. Os cirurgiões podem executar cirurgias seguras na presença de fraqueza zonular, lise zonular ou instabilidade capsular e colocar com segurança uma LIO da câmara posterior dentro da bolsa capsular estabilizada por anel de tensão capsular, normalmente com um resultado cirúrgico favorável. No passado, tais casos poderiam terminar com uma extração (Read more...)

Técnica CTR guiada por sutura útil en casos de cirugías complejas

Los avances en los dispositivos de prótesis intraocular en la cirugía de cataratas, como los anillos de tensión capsular, los dispositivos de tensión capsular y ganchos de soporte capsular, ayudaron a que la cirugía de cataratas escale a un nivel mayor de excelencia quirúrgica. Los cirujanos pueden realizar cirugías seguras en presencia de debilidad zonular, lisis zonular o inestabilidad capsular y colocar un LIO de cámara posterior de manera segura dentro del saco capsular estabilizado por el anillo de tensión capsular, en general, con un resultado quirúrgico favorable. En el (Read more...)

Procedimiento de CLASS: Tratamiento del glaucoma menos invasivo

El glaucoma, la segunda causa principal de ceguera en todo el mundo, generalmente se trata con medicamentos tópicos hipotensivos. Si bien son efectivos para reducir la PIO cuando se utilizan de manera correcta, el cumplimiento por parte del paciente continúa siendo un asunto preocupante. Con frecuencia, el aumento de los costos, la inconveniencia extrema, la administración difícil y la tolerancia adaptada a los medicamentos limitan los beneficios de estos medicamentos de sobremanera.Se consideran las intervenciones quirúrgicas una vez que un paciente alcanzó un nivel base de PIO de aproximadamente 18 (Read more...)

Procedimento CLASS: Tratamento de glaucoma menos invasivo

O glaucoma, a segunda maior causa de cegueira no mundo todo, tradicionalmente é tratado com medicações tópicas hipotensivas. Embora elas sejam eficazes na redução da PIO quando utilizadas corretamente, a conformidade do paciente continua sendo um problema preocupante. A elevação dos custos, a extrema inconveniência, a dificuldade de administração e a tolerância adaptada aos medicamentos com frequência limitam gravemente os benefícios dos mesmos.Uma vez que um paciente tenha atingido uma linha de base de PIO de cerca de 18 mm Hg e esteja na dosagem máxima da medicação, são consideradas (Read more...)

VIDEO: Study shows Omidria reduces need for pupillary expansion devices in cataract surgery

NEW ORLEANS — At the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting, Denise Visco, MD, discusses a retrospective study showing that use of Omidria, a 1% phenylephrine and 0.3% ketorolac agent from Omeros, in the balanced salt solution bottle during cataract surgery reduced the need for pupillary expansion devices in small pupil cases compared with use of epinephrine.

EyeGate reports $2.4 million net loss in first quarter

EyeGate Pharmaceuticals reported a net loss of $2.4 million in the first quarter compared with a net loss of $11 million in the same quarter of 2015, according to a press release. Research and development expenses were reported at $0.9 million in the first quarter compared with $0.3 million in the same quarter of 2015. The increase was attributed to the resumption of a phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of anterior uveitis, a phase 1/2 macular edema trial, and research and development expenses related to Jade’s CMHA-S-based product (Read more...)

BLOG: Intralenticular foreign body

Intraocular foreign bodies, or FB, are usually the result of penetrating traumatic wounds that may land the FB into either the anterior or posterior chamber, depending upon the type of injury. Isolated intralenticular foreign bodies are rarely seen, and they soon lead to cataract formation. Some cases have been reported in peer literature about asymptomatic foreign bodies lying in the normal crystalline lens.