Author: Healio ophthalmology

Publication Exclusive: Preserving the lens important in young phakic patients undergoing DMEK

Endothelial keratoplasty, or EK, appears to be the epicenter of the corneal transplantation scene, and it has surpassed penetrating keratoplasty for the surgical correction of endothelial decompensation and corneal edema in the United States. This preferred choice of EK over PK is largely due to the superior quality of vision that returns relatively quickly after EK surgery and the lowest endothelial rejection rate as compared with other forms of corneal transplantation; in addition, the majority of the patient’s own cornea is retained without any full-thickness corneal wound, and the use (Read more...)

Eleven Biotherapeutics reports $33.5 million net loss in 2015

Eleven Biotherapeutics reported a net loss applicable to common stockholders of $33.5 million, or $1.76 per share, in 2015 compared with $34.7 million, or $2.37 per share, in 2014, according to a company press release. Research and development expenses were reported at $26.3 million in 2015 compared with $26.7 million in 2014. Research and development expenses increased from $5.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2014 to $8.1 million for the same quarter in 2015, partly attributable to expenses related to development of EBI-031, the company’s preclinical product candidate for (Read more...)

Publication Exclusive: Intraoperative OCT benefits anterior segment surgeries

With FDA clearance of three intraoperative OCT systems over the past 2 years, the technology is rapidly moving from potential to practice.These microscope-integrated systems — the En-Focus intrasurgical OCT system (Bioptigen, a division of Leica Microsystems), the Rescan 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) and the iOCT (Haag-Streit) — allow for real-time, high-quality imaging that can influence surgical decision-making and potentially contribute to achieving better outcomes in anterior segment surgery.

Young man presents with subacute binocular diplopia

A 22-year-old otherwise healthy man was referred to the New England Eye Center by his primary care physician for 1 to 2 months of intermittent binocular diplopia. He described that his vision had “not felt right” for the last few months. The doubling seemed to occur mostly at night and when he was tired. Subjectively he also felt the acuity was mildly worse in the right eye. His last eye exam was 10 years prior without any reported significant findings. He denied any headaches, flashes or floaters. He had no (Read more...)

Speaker: Features of femtosecond laser preferred in challenging cataract cases

Faster capsulotomy, less nuclear manipulation and less energy expenditure in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery are all features that enhance surgical results when faced with challenging cataracts, according to a speaker.In a presentation at OSN New York 2015, Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS, demonstrated the use of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in a variety of demanding cases. In white cataracts, for example, the procedure “can really be of great utility,” she said. A fast capsulotomy — between 0.7 seconds and 1.5 seconds with the Catalys laser (Abbott Medical Optics) — can (Read more...)

Checklists vs. checkmate: Reproducibility key to premium surgery success

Every day we are challenged as premium surgeons with an unusual preoperative diagnostic measurement, intraoperative unexpected complex situation and/or a postoperative unrealistic expectation. There are many scenarios throughout the refractive cataract surgical experience that can potentially bring the premium surgeon into a “checkmate” position.Traditionally, checkmate is a position in the game of chess in which a player’s king is in check, without a way to remove the threat. The king cannot be captured, so the game ends when the king is checkmated. As a premium surgeon, no one ever wants (Read more...)

Cross-linking appears to halt progression of keratoconus for at least 7 years

Corneal collagen cross-linking improved visual acuity and prevented the progression of keratoconus for up to 7 years, according to a long-term study investigating the procedure, with no serious complications and no eyes requiring re-treatment.“All eyes were stable 7 years following cross-linking, and between 1 and 5 years, there were continued improvements in corneal shape with K-max reduced and coma improved. Importantly, there were no sight-threatening complications out to 7 to 8 years,” David P.S. O’Brart, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth, the corresponding author, told Ocular Surgery News.

Ciclofotocoagulación con láser de diodo transescleral micropulsado una opción para el glaucoma refractario

El glaucoma puede resultar un problema difícil de controlar en un subgrupo de pacientes, incluso para los especialistas en glaucoma con mayor experiencia. El abanico de tratamientos incluye fármacos, la trabeculoplastía, la cirugía de glaucoma de microincisión y la cirugía de glaucoma tradicional.Mientras que muchos utilizan las medicaciones para glaucoma como tratamiento inicial, otros eligen la trabeculoplastía láser selectiva para el control inicial de la PIO. Se puede controlar la PIO de la mayoría de los pacientes con glaucoma con una o más medicaciones de uso tópico, pero existe un (Read more...)

Ciclofotocoagulação com laser de diodo transescleral de micropulso é uma opção para o glaucoma refratário

O glaucoma pode ser um problema de difícil administração em um subconjunto de pacientes, mesmo para os especialistas mais experientes em glaucoma. O espectro de tratamento inclui medicamentos, trabeculoplastia, cirurgia de glaucoma de microincisão e cirurgia de glaucoma tradicional.Embora muitos utilizem medicamentos de glaucoma como sua modalidade inicial de tratamento, outros utilizam a trabeculoplastia seletiva a laser para o controle inicial da PIO. A PIO da maioria dos pacientes de glaucoma pode ser controlada com um ou mais medicamentos tópicos, mas existe um subconjunto de pacientes dos quais a PIO (Read more...)

ThromboGenics reports €37.9 million net loss in 2015

ThromboGenics reported a net loss of €37.9 million, or €1.05 per share, in 2015 compared with €51.1 million, or €1.42 per share, in 2014, according to a company press release. Total revenue was reported at €11.2 million in 2015, which included €7.4 million in Jetrea sales in the U.S. and €3.2 million in royalties from Alcon based on sales of Jetrea outside the U.S.