Overall refractive astigmatism correlates with shorter chord length

BARCELONA — Measurement at a 2 mm chord length was more strongly correlated with overall ocular refractive astigmatism than when a 5 mm peripheral chord length was used, according to a speaker here. “We wanted to look at that relationship between corneal astigmatic power and ocular refraction and also look at different parameters such as chord length and … different techniques for measuring corneal power,” Phillip J. Buckhurst, MD, said at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.

Richard Packard delivers Binkhorst Medal Lecture

BARCELONA — Richard Packard, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth, was honored as the Binkhorst Medal lecturer, “probably one of the greatest honors that can be given to an ophthalmologist in their career,” he said.Packard, who has been performing phacoemulsification since 1979, related the evolution of the capsulotomy in his lecture at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.

Síndrome de ojo seco: el simposio internacional de Dompé se centra en una nueva investigación para pacientes con necesidades no cubiertas

BARCELONA, España–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Rojez, irritación, picor, ardor o la sensación de tener algo bajo el párpado son los síntomas más comunes del síndrome de ojo seco, un problema cada vez más común asociado a factores relacionados con el entorno, los hábitos y el estilo de vida que llevan a una reducción de la lubricación ocular. El síndrome de ojo seco se subestima a menudo, pero puede tener consecuencias graves en la vista de los pacientes, sobre todo en su variante moderada y grave. Este se

EU EYE launched at ESCRS meeting

BARCELONA — Thierry Zeyen, MD, outlined the structure and statutes of the European Alliance for Vision Research and Ophthalmology – or EU EYE – at a launch meeting here. EU EYE is a non-profit pan-European advocacy organization whose main objectives are to raise political and public awareness of ophthalmology and to increase funding for vision research, said Zeyen, who is president of the organization as well as a representative of the European Glaucoma Society.