Medicaid reimbursements under ACA improved appointment availability

Increases in Medicaid reimbursement offered to primary care providers under the Affordable Care Act improved appointment availability for Medicaid recipients without increasing wait times, according to recent findings. “Lower payments have been cited as a critical barrier to access for primary care among Medicaid enrollees and are associated with lower provider availability for Medicaid patients,” researcher Daniel Polsky, PhD, executive director of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues wrote.

Medicaid reimbursements under ACA improved appointment availability

Increases in Medicaid reimbursement offered to primary care providers under the Affordable Care Act improved appointment availability for Medicaid recipients without increasing wait times, according to recent findings. “Lower payments have been cited as a critical barrier to access for primary care among Medicaid enrollees and are associated with lower provider availability for Medicaid patients,” researcher Daniel Polsky, PhD, executive director of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues wrote.

Medicaid reimbursements under ACA improved appointment availability

Increases in Medicaid reimbursement offered to primary care providers under the Affordable Care Act improved appointment availability for Medicaid recipients without increasing wait times, according to recent findings. “Lower payments have been cited as a critical barrier to access for primary care among Medicaid enrollees and are associated with lower provider availability for Medicaid patients,” researcher Daniel Polsky, PhD, executive director of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues wrote.