Nicox acquires Carragelose eye drop program

Nicox announced it has agreed to acquire the Carragelose anti-viral eye drop program from Marinomed Biotechnologie for potential use in the management of viral conjunctivitis, according to a company release. In exchange, Marinomed received €2.65 million in newly issued Nicox shares and up to €2.65 in potential cash payments.

TEDMED: Sensor technology helps test hands-on skills

After witnessing a colleague miss a blood clot in a patient with acute coronary syndrome, Carla M. Pugh, MD, PhD, FACS, recognized the need for a tool to measure the quality of a physician’s sensory perceptions, or their ability to touch and locate abnormalities.As a child, Pugh enjoyed taking apart and reassembling household items to learn how the items worked. She said those interests and skills translated into her work on the development of tools to measure and teach haptics, the study of tactile feedback.