Alimera reports net revenue of $2.2 million in second quarter

Alimera Sciences reported second quarter net revenue of $2.2 million, up from $2.1 million in the first quarter and $179,000 in the same quarter of 2013, the company announced in a news release.“We achieved an important milestone during the second quarter of 2014 as more commercial patients have now been injected with Iluvien than were treated in our clinical trials. Further, we experienced a 25% increase in Iluvien injections in the United Kingdom during the second quarter of 2014 compared to the prior quarter,” Dan Myers, Alimera president and CEO, (Read more...)

BLOG: When to use topical NSAIDS after cataract surgery

We’ve been battling the “forces of evil” when it comes to the prescription of topical NSAIDs and cataract surgery. Insurance companies and public-private mixes not only routinely demand generic prescriptions, but pharmacies quite often only stock the lowest priced among these generics.As a dry eye doc, this is particularly maddening because the side effects of these generics (eg, ketorolac, diclofenac) are much more commonly seen in my experience in patients with pre-existing dry eye syndrome (DES), decreasing the likelihood that they will take this important medicine.