Subjective estimation of ILM peeling surface without dye improves with experience

Junior and senior surgeons’ ability to subjectively estimate the internal limiting membrane peeling surface without the use of dye was fair; however, surface areas were larger for more-experienced surgeons, researchers found.In a prospective study, 30 eyes of 30 patients underwent epiretinal membrane surgery; half of the patients had surgery performed by a senior surgeon, and the other half had surgery performed by two junior surgeons. All patients underwent an eye examination, which included measurement for best corrected visual acuity, slit-lamp examination and a dilated fundus ophthalmoscopy.

BLOG: Your website SEO may need a check-up

Recently I received an email from a practice in New York that had let its search engine optimization, or SEO, slip very dramatically during the last few years. I asked if they were still using the same SEO Company and they said they were not because a colleague confirmed their suspicion that SEO and web were not a good return on investment in New York City. Unfortunately, their friend/colleague made an uneducated judgment that affected their practice in a big way. Since stopping SEO, most of their keywords such as (Read more...)

Costs for health care vary dramatically

A new study shows wide variation in the amount of money patients pay for common medical treatments and diagnostic procedures. Additionally, the report says the costs of in-network services range widely within cities.Castlight Health, a health care clou…

Costs for health care vary dramatically

A new study shows wide variation in the amount of money patients pay for common medical treatments and diagnostic procedures. Additionally, the report says the costs of in-network services range widely within cities.Castlight Health, a health care clou…