Concierge Cataract

A recent study in emOphthalmology/emsup1/sup has tabulated
what we already know: Cataract surgery is a
great deal for society by both financial and
quality-of-life measures—and the deal has gotten
better (well, cheaper, from society…

Patient-Reported Outcomes After LASIK

Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are defined by
the FDA as “any report of the status of a patient’s
health condition that comes directly from the
patient, without interpretation of the patient’s
response by a clinician or anyone else.”…

Tweeting About Health Care in 140 Characters or Fewer

As the presence of social media becomes widespread, the uses of the popular sites continue to grow and evolve. For example, Twitter was initially a platform used by tech companies to broadcast updates on their internal work as well as random snipp…