BLOG: Human resource issues: What should I do when … ? Part 1

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years is that quickly addressing and not ignoring HR conflicts is the best route. Direct, appropriate confrontation can be awkward, uncomfortable, even painful. But ultimately you find that it is a relief for your remaining practice staff and healthier for your practice. Every delayed decision impacts your bottom line and, if you own the practice, affects financial opportunity. It is possible to be a strong leader, be financially responsible, and treat colleagues and employees well. Below are a few ways to (Read more...)

Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology Update 21: New Gene Therapy Company, Spark Therapeutics, Launches

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) announced that it had spun off its work in gene therapy to a new, fully integrated company, Spark Therapeutics, that will assume control over two current gene therapy clinical trials: a Phase III study for Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, an inherited disease that results in blindness caused by mutations of the RPE65 gene, and a Phase I/II study for hemophilia B. The new company is also advancing toward the clinic with gene therapy programs to address neurodegenerative diseases and additional hematologic disorders and other forms of inherited blindness. One such program, in the latter category, (Read more...)