BLOG: Good news on Azasite

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post on the physician’s role in diagnosing dry eye to report some fantastic news: Merck has announced that it will continue to make and sell Azasite. If you take care of patients with dry eye, especially those who could be characterized as having some sort of meibomian gland disease (MGD) resulting in a dysfunctional tear syndrome, you were worried about this issue.

Panretinal photocoagulation has minimal effect on corneal nerve density, sensitivity

Panretinal photocoagulation had an insignificant effect on corneal sub-basal nerve density and corneal sensitivity in diabetic patients, a study found.“The current study suggests that [panretinal photocoagulation] does not compromise the integrity of the corneal [sub-basal nerve plexus] and purely from the corneal perspective remains a relatively safe treatment modality in the treatment of [diabetic retinopathy],” the study authors said.

Waring Medal awarded for emerging refractive surgical technique

NEW YORK — The 2013 Waring Medal was awarded to Jesper Ø. Hjortdal, MD, DrMedSci, PhD, for his new refractive surgical technique for myopia patients.  “LASIK is very successful, but you can run into problems with epithelial ingrowth, flap striae or flap dislocation,” Hjortdal said at OSN New York 2013. “Instead of replacing the corneal tissue [in this procedure], you remove it.”