Retroprosthetic Membrane and Risk of Sterile Keratolysis in Patients With Type I Boston Keratoprosthesis – Corrected Proof

Purpose: To evaluate whether retro-backplate retroprosthetic membrane is correlated with risk of melt in patients with a type I Boston Keratoprosthesis (KPro).Design: Retrospective, observational case series.Methods: Study of 50 eyes of 47 patients with type I Boston KPro and postoperative anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS OCT) imaging performed at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Main outcome measures were presence of retro-backplate membrane and development of melt requiring explantation. For eyes with melt, membrane thickness was measured using the AS OCT images obtained at the last visit before melt occurred. For eyes without melt, the last available AS OCT (Read more...)

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