Actinic Granuloma of the Conjunctiva in Young Women – Corrected Proof

Objective: To report the occurrence of actinic granuloma of the conjunctiva in young women.Design: Retrospective case series.Participants: Three eyes of 3 young women with a unilateral conjunctival mass of recent onset.Methods: Three young women (21, 23, and 23 years of age) sought treatment for painless red masses of the conjunctiva that were thought clinically to be pingueculitis, actinic keratosis, or ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN), but were diagnosed histopathologically as actinic granuloma. Special stains were performed to exclude infectious and autoimmune causes of granulomatous inflammation, followed by dermatologic work-up and systemic investigations. Diagnosis of actinic granuloma of the conjunctiva was (Read more...)

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