Web-based versus Paper Administration of Common Ophthalmic Questionnaires: Comparison of Subscale Scores – Corrected Proof

Objective: To compare participants’ responses to Web-based and paper-and-pencil versions of an ophthalmic, patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaire.Design: Questionnaire development.Participants: Matched subjects with ocular surface disease (OSD) (n = 68) and without OSD (controls, n = 50).Methods: Subjects completed a standard, paper-and-pencil and a Web-based version of the same questionnaire in randomized order. The administered questionnaire included several ophthalmic PRO subscales: the National Eye Institute’s (NEI’s) Refractive Error Quality of Life Instrument’s Clarity of Vision, Near Vision, Far Vision, Glare, Symptoms, Worry, and Satisfaction with Correction subscales; the Ocular Surface Disease Index’s (OSDI’s) Symptoms subscale; and the NEI’s Visual Function Questionnaire’s (Read more...)

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