Visual Acuity Deficits in Children With Nystagmus and Down Syndrome – Corrected Proof

Purpose: To investigate the association between visual acuity deficits and fixation instability in children with Down syndrome and nystagmus.Design: Prospective cross-sectional study.Methods: setting: Institutional. study population:Sixteen children (aged 10 months-14 years) with Down syndrome and nystagmus, and a control group of 93 age-similar children with unassociated infantile nystagmus. observation procedures: Binocular Teller acuity card testing and eye-movement recordings. Fixation stability was quantified using the nystagmus optimal fixation function (NOFF). An exponential model based on results from the control group with unassociated infantile nystagmus was used to relate fixation stability to age-corrected visual acuity deficits. main outcome measures: Binocular grating visual (Read more...)

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