Ultrasound power, phaco time reduced in laser-assisted MICS

Femtosecond laser-assisted bimanual microincision cataract surgery is more efficient with regard to ultrasound power and effective phacoemulsification time than femtosecond laser-assisted coaxial phacoemulsification, according to study.In a prospective randomized study, 25 patients underwent bimanual MICS with two 1-mm incisions and 25 patients underwent coaxial phacoemulsification with a 1-mm paracentesis and 2.2-mm principal incision. The LenSx femtosecond laser (Alcon) was used to create incisions, perform capsulotomies and fragment lenses in all cases.Mean patient age was 67.6 years in the MICS group and 70.5 years in the coaxial incision group.