Day 1 postoperative review may not be necessary after small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy

VIENNA — Day 1 postoperative assessment may no longer be required in patients who undergo pars plana vitrectomy. “With the expanded use of local anesthesia and small-gauge surgery, the actual rate of first day intervention is almost negligible and the need for routine day 1 review is questionable,” Philip Alexander, MD, FRCOphth, said at the Advanced Retinal Therapy meeting.

Depression prevalence among medical students concerning

Medical students have a higher overall rate of depression than the general population, according to study results published in JAMA. These findings emphasize that effective preventive efforts and improved access to care are needed for students in medical school.“Studies have suggested that medical students experience high rates of depression and suicidal ideation,” Lisa S. Rotenstein, BA, of Harvard Medical School, and colleagues wrote. “However, estimates of the prevalence of depression or depressive symptoms among students vary across studies from 1.4% to 73.5% and those of suicidal ideation vary from 4.9% (Read more...)