Retinal Ganglion Cell Analysis in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a rare, maternally inherited disorder that results in bilateral loss of central vision. Characteristic visual field defects in LHON consist of either central or cecocentral scotomas, with about 70% of the patients being young adult men. More than 90% of these patients carry 1 of 3 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, located at nucleotide positions 3460, 11778, or 14484, respectively, although >20 mtDNA point mutations have been reported in LHON patients worldwide. Retinal ganglion cells decrease by apoptosis, and finally the retinal nerve fiber thins (Read more...)

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We thank Prajna et al for their comments on our article titled, “Comparative evaluation of topical versus intrastromal voriconazole as an adjunct to natamycin in recalcitrant fungal keratitis.” At the time of our publication, 1 study had been publ…